Resource Hub
Welcome to the resource hub!!
Food and Groceries

- Operates charter schools that provide high school diploma programs within jails and in the community.
- Offers GED preparation, vocational training, and reentry planning services.
- Provides individualized education plans tailored to the needs and goals of each student.
- Offers online learning options to accommodate different schedules and commitments.

- Offers a range of educational programs including GED preparation, adult basic education, and vocational training.
- Provides workshops on financial literacy, computer skills, and soft skills necessary for employment.
- Facilitates connections with local community colleges and universities for further education.

- Provides intensive entrepreneurship training programs designed to equip formerly incarcerated individuals with the skills to start and run their own businesses.
- Offers mentorship from business professionals and access to a supportive network.
- Includes personal development workshops focusing on leadership, communication, and resilience.
- Hosts business pitch competitions where participants can earn seed funding for their business ideas.
If the resources listed below do not tailor to your individual needs, call 211 to find out about further resources regarding housing, utility, food, employment, and mental health service providers.

Type in zip code to find resources in all categories listed under each category you may need

Helps with financial support, training, education, and faith

Los Angeles food bank that often provides not only food packages, but also hygiene items

- Low cost ride van for people with disabilities. $2.75-3.50 each way. M-S 4am-12am.
- Transportation Assistance to Low-Income Families in LA County

- 90 Days Unlimited Free Rides
- 20 Free Rides Per Month after First 90 Days
- After 20 Free Rides are Used, Ride for Free After 3 Rides in One Day and/or 11 Rides in One Week
Reduced fares (save up to $24 on a 30-day metro pass)
*eligibility requirements and sign up steps are in the link for this tab*

- Free Unlimited TAP Cards Given Out Every Quarter at UCLA, Must be UCLA Student
- Save up to 80% on fares for kids from K-12, students in college or vocational school, people with disabilities, senior citizens.
- Reduced Fare Tap Cards Available for Seniors 62+, Medicare Recipients, and People with Disabilities available link:

Click on tab for more logistical information
Legal Services
Website of all legal serivces in California funded by the LSC:
Miscellaneous (healthcare, internet, phone services, etc)

In partnership with major internet service providers such as Spectrum. Helps individuals greatly reduce monthly internet costs - be sure to ask your internent provider whether they offer services from them.

All encompassing opportunities for youth in education, service, community action, or spiritual growth.

Jobs search and training for individuals with disabilities.
Contact Us!
Reach out to the Underground Scholars Initiative for mentorship if you need help walking through any of these resources.
As emails and inquiries come in, we will begin setting up a more structured office hour drop-in times so keep an eye out!